Annex: (1) to add to something earlier, larger, or more important, (2) to incorporate (a country or other territory) within the domain of a state, (3) to obtain or take for oneself
In January 1893, a group of Americans and Europeans established a “Committee of Safety” whose intention was to overthrow the kingdom of Hawaii and achieve American annexation. Why? Because they were concerned for the safety and property of American citizens. So the US Marines and Navy from ships in the Honolulu Harbor went to shore claiming to be neutral and be there only to prevent possible violence. However, the very presence of those US military forces prevented the Kingdom of Hawaii from any chance of defending themselves physically or politically.
Queen Lili’uokalani (the last Queen of Hawaii) temporarily gave up her power to the US military and government, thinking that the political rights would eventually be restore to the Hawaiians. Although the queen seemingly had no choice but to relinquish her crown, she could have resisted the take over with what little enforcements they had. I wonder though if she really thought after discussion that the US would give her back the title and power of ruler of Hawaii or it was wishful thinking. The US was clearly the stronger power, so it seems ridiculous that they, along with the Europeans, felt threatened by Hawaii.
In her plea to the US government, the queen describes how the more recent Hawaiian natives are less “savage” and much more influenced by Christianity and foreign missionaries. Her plan is to show the US that the Hawaiians have pretty much gone along with whatever was forced on them, sadly giving up many native religious traditions to follow new influences. When she asks, “Is the American Republic of the States to degenerate, and become a colonizer and land-grabber?” (p 213) she draws upon the savageness of the US, making them seem like the monster. Before Hawaii, the US had been colonizing and taking land from other territories (i.e. Native Americans) but instead of pointing out those negative aspects, the queen gives the US an opportunity to look good and say no…
She also focuses on nationalism and Christianity, two things America was well known for: “Quite as warmly as you love your country, they love theirs… The people to whom your fathers told of the living God […] are crying aloud to Him in their time of trouble; and He will keep His promise, and will listen to the voices of His Hawaiian children lamenting for their homes” (p 213). This statement shows the intelligence and elegance of the queen, and her cunning to fight the US with its own motto! She is arguing that the US has taught the Hawaiian people to be civil, spreading Christianity and the knowledge that God will help those in need. Her plea is honest, intellectual, rational, and cunning- it is very sad that nothing came of it.